Important Appointment Policy Notice

Our office requires 24 hour notice if an appointment cannot be kept. There will be a fee for appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice as we have reserved that time for you. In case of illness, please contact our office by 8:30am the morning of your appointment.




Look who’s been published! (Dr. David, that’s who)

Look who’s been published! (Dr. David, that’s who)

“Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) in a Pregnant Woman with Placenta Previa, Migraines, Neck & Back Pain Undergoing Subluxation Centered Chiropractic.” Well, that’s a mouthful…and the name of a study published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health with David H. Spear, PhD, DC (aka Dr. David) as a principle author.